Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Revised Roll Call

A while back, I posted an "Everything I have" list that came out to around 5000pts total. Well, since then, I managed to find another 2000pts worth of stuff, and remade the list.

HQ: 335
Creed, Kell, Astropath, Fleet Officer, HB, Vox, Camo Cloaks, Bodyguard

HQ: 255pts
Straken, Heavy Flamer, 2 Flamers, Carapace, 2 Bodyguards, Medic

Stormies: 195pts
10 Stormies, 2 Plasma Guns, “Behind enemy lines”

Sly Marbo: 65pts

Infantry Platoon: 850pts
HQ w/ 3 Plasma guns, Medic, Meltabombs (110pts)
5 Squads w/ HBs, GLs, Voxes (305pts)
2 ML Sections (180pts)
2 AC Sections (150pts)
Lascannon Section (105pts)

Infantry Platoon: 655pts
HQ w/ Rahemo, 3 Meltaguns, Medic (160pts)
3 Squads w/ Flamers, Meltabombs, Voxes (180pts)
2 Squads w/ Flamers, Meltabombs, Voxes, Commissar (190pts)
SW Squad w/ 3 Flamers (50pts)
SW Squad w/ 3 GLs (50pts)

Infantry Platoon: 540pts
3 Flamers, Heavy Flamer, Commissar w/Pfist, Meltabombs (120pts)
5 Squads w/GLs, Voxes (300pts)
Mortar Section (60pts)
Mortar Section (60pts)

Penal Troops (80pts)

Vet Squad: 160pts
3 GLs, Harker, ML, Vox, Shotguns

Vet Squad: 195pts
3 Meltas, Demolitions, Bastonne, Vox, Shotguns

Vet Squad: 155pts
Carapace, 3 Plasma Guns, Sgt w/ Plasma Pistol

Vanquisher: 190pts
Camo Netting, Hull Lascannon

Vanquisher: 240pts
Camo Netting, Hull Lascannon, Pask

LRMBT: 180pts
HB Sponsons, Pintle Stubber

LRMBT: 170pts
HB Sponsons

LRMBT: 170pts
HB Sponsons

Leman Russ Demolisher: 210pts
Hull Las, Multimelta sponsons

Leman Russ Demolisher: 210pts
Hull Las, Multimelta sponsons

Leman Russ Eradicator: 210pts
HB Sponsons, Camo Netting

Basilisk: 155pts
Camo Netting

Hellhound: 130pts


Canoness: 151pts
Inferno Pistol, Jump Pack, Blessed Weapon, Mantle of Ophelia, Cloak of St. Aspira, Book of St. Lucius, Frag Grenades

Inquisitor Lord (WH): 268ptsForce Weapon, Power Armour, Inferno Pistol, Rosarius, His will be Done, Force Weapon, Frag3 Vet Guardsmen w/ Shotguns, Familiar, Acolyte w/ ‘Pace, Frag Grenades, Acolyte with Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, CCW, Frag

Seraphim Squad: 170pts
4 Sisters, Veteran Sister Superior w/ Book of St. Lucius & Power Weapon, 2 Hand Flamers, Meltabombs

Battle Sister Squad: 205pts
Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Veteran Sister Superior w/ Book of St. Lucius
Rhino: 58pts

Battle Sister Squad: 205pts
Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Veteran Sister Superior w/ Book of St. Lucius
Rhino: 58pts

Battle Sister Squad: 141pts
2 Flamers, Veteran Sister Superior w/ Book of St. Lucius

Dominion Squad: 225pts
4 Sisters w/ Storm Bolters, Veteran Sister Superior w/ Book of St. Lucius, Eviscerator, Combi- Melta, Frag, Immolator tank w/ Heavy Flamers

Exorcist: 135pts

Total: 6850

That leaves me enough points to run my infantry as an "Emperor's Shield Infantry Company" in an Apoc game, bringing me to a grand total of 7000pts.

Anyone want to throw down? ; )



  1. Nice, although I don't even have a 10th of your stuff -_-

  2. I would totally throw down with you, Reds. Not against you, though, as I've only got 1500 points at the moment. Maybe when I've been at this a while longer...

  3. Heh, that's what everyone says. "I'll fight with you, but not against you."

    Still, it's nice to have a large collection, even if I can't throw it down all at once. It allows me quite a bit of flexibility when building lists, and, perhaps more importantly, lets me loan large armies to new players who want to learn how to use IG.

